Agriculture is the most important occupation in India. As a growing market, many investors invested approximately $1.5 billion between 2000 and 2016. This trend is expected to grow in 2018, as many technologies in the farming sector are being introduced.
Technology has always played a key role in different sectors. Due to that, many emerging startups are trying to introduce unique technologies in agricultural field which enhances the productivity with minimum human interferen
Here we look at the top 10 Emerging Technologies in Agriculture which will change the agricultural sector in the coming years.
Barrister Thakur Chhedilal College of Agriculture & Research Station, Bilaspur, named on a renowned freedom fighter, social worker, and Barrister of Chhattisgarh Late shri Thakur Chhedilal Barrister. This Agriculture College is one amongst the nine constituent agriculture colleges comes under Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, C.G. Earlier, it was a Regional Agricultural Research Station and on 20th September 2001, a College of Agriculture was established and renamed as “Thakur Chhedilal Barrister College of Agriculture & Research Station, Bilaspur” C.G.
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